Friday 15 July 2011

Barira the little chef

rolling her first paratha
Barira is turning in to quiet the little chef. She enjoys baking cookies and cupcakes and making parathas. The first cookie she and I baked was Choco Chip Cookies. Our first batch turned out well.... Shadman loved it and took the cookies along with the jar ! We baked a fresh batch last night to refill his jar. After choco chips we baked jam cookies. Barira loved the jam cookies she was given at school for snack and wanted to bake a batch herself. We made our one with strawberry jam and put fresh blueberries on some of them also. Those came out alright. Probably a seven out of ten. haha... But our Blueberry muffins came out really good. Barira loves blueberries because of the purplish blue color and wanted to bake blueberry muffins. She couldn't have any from the first batch because of the cinnamon powder on top! Like her dad she hates the smell of cinnamon. None of us thought of that when we were making them.
jam cookies
blueberry muffins
muffins rising in the oven

our first batch of Chocolate Chip cookies

Tea Party table

Barira working on her paratha

Now Aariz gets to play with some dough
decorating her cup cakes with bubble gums!
After cookies we tried Red Velvel cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for the tea party we had for Barira's friends and their families. I think we got ten on ten on the cupcakes. Ema (short for Emanuel) had five cupcakes, Anagha had two, Ema's brother had one also and the adults enjoyed them too. So that recipe is definitely a keeper. 
preparing the pan for muffins
The first day Barira wanted to roll the paratha dough I just let her play with it. Next day I made the dough in to a ball for her and she rolled it out. I helped her put oil  inside and folded it for her. She did the rest of the rolling. It did retain the square shape in the end. She's got steady rolling hands. Nowadays when she wants to have paratha we let her roll the dough herself. This hopefully teaches her the importance of being able to make your own food. Aariz loves to roll the dough too. He only gets to try with miniature dough balls at the moment. 
Sometimes when we do watch TV.... Barira and I enjoy watching baking shows. Shows like Cake Boss where they bake cakes in different themes. We aspire to try out those kind of cakes ourselves some day. The reason why we can't bake more often is we don't have people to eat the results of our labor. Ammu and I are watching out diets and its difficult for us to resist. So we end up having them anyways :(. Uncle seldom tries the sweet stuff. Barira and Aariz aren't very enthusiastic either. Barira loves to bake for "others" only! For now Shadman is our only hope. Barira got a lovely kids baking set as gift from Nipun and Bidita when they visited us last week. We can't  wait to try it out.The other day Barira said she wants to bake cookies and cupcakes for Reazan chachhu, Dadiya and Dada bhai and send them back with Baba.
placing cookie dough on sheet

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