Tuesday 12 July 2011

Gymboree Classes

Gymboree the popular children's clothing brand has been offering play and music classes for kids up to the age of  five for thirty years. Their classes are quiet popular. I came to know about Gymboree from my friend Marsha. Marsha takes her one year old son Maziar to Art class for his age group once a week. So one fine day Aariz and I registered to take try out the Art class for free! Aariz didn't like the Art class and had to get out of there after just five minutes because he was too interested in the class he passed by. The Play & Learn class which is a big open room filled with child safe play equipment like slides, balls, bouncers and many more. So I decided to try out the Play & Learn class for 24 to 36 month kids taking place at that time. Aariz loved playing there occasionally joining in with the group. It is basically an activity based class where everyday they read a story to the children and then they act out the story through imaginary play. One day they read about astronauts going to the moon and then acted that out in their playground with make believe space ship, special food etc. The teacher Nadia blows bubbles towards the end of the class which the kids try to catch with bubble catchers. The class is filled with different activities to keep the child creatively engaged. Aariz enjoys it so every Wednesday Aariz and I take the number 11 bus near our apartment to go to Gymboree at Bayview. Its a ten minute bus ride and then a two minute walk to the class. Barira was always curious what Aariz does in his class and she wanted to do something herself. She loves art and wanted to join the Art class. I've enrolled her on to the Art III class for 3to5 year old kids for the two summer months only. When school starts in fall it'll not be possible to match the time with school. She took the first class last Wednesday and loved it. Asks everyday when the next class will be. Gymboree has open play times three times a week where the enrolled children can come and play on their own in the activity room. Yesterday we took Barira and Aariz for the open play time. They had a great time for the two hours they were there. The pictures are from yesterday.
Barira : Ammu ami ekta murgi ami boshe dim parchi

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