Saturday 16 July 2011

Berry Picking Saturday

entrance to Whittamore farm

We went berry picking today. It was the last day of the season for strawberry picking. Barira loves strawberries and I really wanted her to have the experience of picking berries right of the plants. We were  all amazed to see the line of strawberry bushes on the fields. We arrived at Whittamore farm ready for picking berries- Barira and Aariz with pales in hand. They told us at the strawberry field that there weren't any berries left but we still opted to have a go just for the experience. We managed to pick nearly a pound of tiny berries. The biggest we picked was way smaller than regular ones we buy from the stores. But those berries were sweet. Now I know they're not being pompous when they say Ontario strawberries are the best. They truly are. They're the sweetest strawberries I've ever had. From strawberry field we headed for raspberries. They were plenty in supply. Both kids got their buckets filled. The pictures show how engrossed they were in picking the berries. 
on to the fields
showing her first strawberry

looking for strawberries

we couldn't fill our buckets with straberries


very seriously looking for raspberries
Barira the expert berry picker

showing off her pick
berry pickers busy in the raspberry field

bucket full of raspberries

Aariz was more interested in his gummy bears!
trying to milk the goat..

Barira bravely went to feed the calf

Berry picking done we headed for the snack shack. We lunched on freshly made mini cheese pizzas, chicken tenders, fries, apple turnovers and blueberry strudels. After a hard day's work we devoured the sumptuous feast. Next we headed for the farm yard play ground. The kids just went wild. Even in that sweltering sun they went all over the farm -trying to milk goats, riding wagons, bouncing on the farm bouncer, playing in the sand lot, sliding through a thirty foot tunnel , Aariz didn't meet the height restriction to go on that big slide but he was so enthusiastic that I let him go. And he loved it. A day well spent.

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